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AIX Services

World First AI Based Design studio.

Create stunning digital products effortlessly with our unique AI Based UX services.

UX/CX Consulting

Our AI-Based UX/CX Consulting will improve the design & functionality of a product to create a better user experience, improve the overall customer experience & revenue growth.

Brand Consulting

Our AI-Based Brand consulting helps to focus & develop effective branding strategies, identify opportunities for brand growth.

Product Design

Our AI-based product design help to create new/existing product designs. It will help to save time and effort by rapidly generating multiple design alternatives.

Social Media Design

Our AI-based social media design will create posts and images, understand sentiment, and detect consumer trends.

UX Audits

Our AI-based UX Audits ensure that users have an easy time accessing content, completing tasks, and finding information.

Design Recruitment Services

We are a boutique search agency focused entirely on the placement of professionals in the UX/CX/BX/BX.